Thursday, March 22, 2012

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Week 19

Weight +5.5 Pounds
Waist +4 Inches
Cravings: Colombian food. 
Dislikes: Nothing

So this week I kept on growing and growing, I have a feeling that will continue to be the case until Mrs Antonella join us out here. 

We had a doctors appointment last week. Her heart was pounding with intensity, she kicked and kicked and kicked, and the midwife checking me was laughing at all the movement in there. 

We found out I have anterior placenta, which means my placenta is on the front of my belly. That is not a problem to my health of the baby's it just means that is where the placenta is and finding the heartbeat can be harder sometimes. It also makes it harder for Caleb to feel the baby since we have a cushion between my belly and the baby, and I would probably feel the baby's kicks in a more intense way if the placenta was in the back. I feel her plenty though so that's ok. The placenta can move as we keep on growing Antonella and I, so we will see.

We also learned that we have a marginal umbilical cord, which means my umbilical cord is not attached to the center of the placenta, thankfully it isn't all the way to the edge, it is more off center and toward the edge. The midwife assured me it was nothing to worry about but after reading a bit on it online I kind of worried. It looks like the condition might affect Antonella's ability to get nutrients, but in most cases it only means she will be smaller than she should be, but still healthy. I am sure it is fine and baby girl is getting all the nutrients she needs. In the meantime I'll keep track of her kicking and moving around to ensure she is fine. 

Aside from the doctor's appointment everything else has been going great. I've had some lower abdominal pain, but again midwife said that's normal and caused by my growing uterus and ligaments that support it. It's called round ligament pain and it doesn't feel good. On most women this pain is brief, with me it isn't, sometimes it lasts for a little there and just when I start to worry and I am about to tell Caleb to drive me to the doctor it stops. Weird ligaments. 

Feeling Antonella is always so much fun, Caleb has felt here here and there and we have started reading the Bible to her, I read it in Spanish and Caleb reads it in English, we tell her fun stories and promises of God for her, it's become my favorite part of the day. 

Also we have arrived at the middle of our pregnancy woo hoo!! We celebrated by getting Zuppa Toscana at Olive Garden and after we went back to Pool Momma's home (we were in Palm Springs) and swam under the stars and enjoyed being in the pool and talking about our baby. The talk turned a bit eerie when we started discussing our will and who Antonella would live if something were to happen to us, but hey it's better to have those talks and put it all in writing than to leave our baby girl without knowing what to do. 

Here we go second half, we are ready! 


Semana 19

Peso +5.5 Libras
Cintura +4 Pulgadas
Antojos: Comida Colombiana 
No me gusta: Nada
Esta semana sigo creciendo y creciendo. Tengo la sospecha de que eso va a ser una constante hasta que Antonella llegue. 
Tuvimos una cita al medico la semana pasada. El corazon de mi bebe estaba latiendo con intensidad y ella no hacia mas que dar pataditas y moverse, la partera que me estaba revisando se estaba riendo de todo el moviemento.

Nos enteramos de que tengo placenta anterior, lo que significa que es la placenta esta al frente de mi estomago en vez de en la parte de atras contra mi espina. Tener la placenta en el frente no es un problema para la salud mia o del bebe, solo significa que encontrar el corazon puede ser un poco mas complicado. Tambien hace que sea mas dificil para Caleb sentir al bebe porque la placenta es como una almohada entre Antonella y mi estomago. Yo sentiria las pataditas con mas intensidad si la placenta estuviera en la parte de atras. Antonella se mueve mucho y yo la siento seguido entonces no hay problema, ademas la placenta se puede mover mientras Antonella crece asi que vamos a ver.

Tambien descubrimos que tengo cordon umbilical marginal, eso significa que mi cordon umbilical no esta adjunto al centro de la placenta, afortunadamente no esta en el borde pero a un lado. La partera nos dijo que no era nada para preocuparnos pero llegue a la casa a leer al respecto y me preocupe un poco. Esta condicion puede afectar la abilidad de Antonella de recibir los nutrientes que necesita, en muchos casos solo significa que el bebe es mas pequeño de lo que deberia ser, pero completamente saludable. Estoy segura de que la bebe esta bien y esta recibiendo todos los nutrientes que necesita. Mientras tanto voy a seguir poniendo atencion a los movimientos que hace para asegurarme de que todo esta bien.

Ademas de la visita al doctor todo va super. He tenido un poco de dolor abdominal, pero la doctora dijo que no tenia que preocuparme, es normal y causado por el crecimiento de mi utero y los ligamentos que lo sostienen. En la mayoria de las mujeres es un dolor de segundos, conmigo se queda un rato, y apenas me empiezo a preocupar y quiero decirle a Caleb que me lleve al doctor pasa. Los ligamentos son raros, pero es normal.

Sentir a Antonella es siempre increible, Caleb la siente aveces y empezamos a leerle la Biblia, yo la leo en Español y el la lee en Ingles, le contamos historia y le hablamos de las promesas de Dios para ella, es mi parte favorita del dia.

Y esta semana marca la mitad de nuestro embarazo!!! Celebramos en Olive Garden con mi sopa favorita y despues nos devolvimos a la casa de la mama de Caleb (estabamos en Palm Springs) y nos metimos a la piscina, la noche estaba espectacular entonces hablamos y nos reimos de cosas que pasa, y despues la conversacion se puso seria cuando empezamos a discutir nuestro testamento y quien se quedaria con Antonella si algo nos pasa. Es mejor hablarlo y ponerlo en escrito que dejar a la pobre bebe sin planes.

Aca vamos segunda mitad!


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