Thursday, April 26, 2012

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Week 24
Weight +12.5 Pounds
Waist +7 Inches
Cravings: Nothing in particular
Dislikes: Nothing
This week miss Antonella, her Dad and Mom flew down to Colombia to see my family. Not only did we want them to see me with a baby belly but we also wanted to celebrate my mom's 50th birthday with her.

It's been such a nice fun trip. We've only been here for 2 days but it is always so much fun to see my family. I haven't seen my dad yet because he's in Guatemala but he arrives this weekend and I can't wait. 

Last week before we left for Colombia we got some blood drawn for some normal 2nd trimester tests. We won't hear back from the doctor until we get back. We got the glucose test done and my goodness that is one long test. We got there at 730am and I drank the orange drink pretty quickly, the nurse was impressed. I had heard so many horrendous things about this drink that I was expecting to want to throw up and have a horrible time drinking it, it was indeed not a flavorful drink, but I am glad I was expecting worse. We didn't leave the hospital until 1045am.

Antonella did great on the flight down here. My back started hurting a bit but I was able to lay down once we arrived in Panama where we had a layover and that helped a lot. Panama was quite hot though, as you can see here, and I was a bit dramatic, but if you can't be dramatic when you are pregnant then when? right? ha. 

We will got back to regular pictures next week, but for this week regular outfit pictures will have to do.

Week 24
Peso +12.5 Libras
Cintura +7 Pulgadas
Antojos: Nada en particular
No me gusta: Nada en particular

Esta semana Antonella, su papa y su mama viajaron a Colombia a ver a mi familia. No solo queriamos ver a familia y que todos pudieran ver a mi barriga, pero tambien queriamos venir al cumpleaños de mi Mama, tiene 50 el Domingo.

Ha sido un buen viaje hasta ahora, solo llevamos aca 2 dias pero ver a mi familia siempre es lo mejor. Mi Papa esta en Guatemala entonces no nos hemos podido ver, pero llega este fin de semana!!!
La semana pasada antes de venirnos para Colombia tuve una cantidad de tests y me sacaron sangre, nada raro, lo rutinario del segundo trimestre. No vamos a saber los rsultados hasta que volvamos a San Diego. Me hicieron el test de glucosa y es el test mas largo del mundo. Llegamos al hospital a las 730am y me toco tomarme el jugo anaranjado, me lo tome super rapido, la enfermera estaba impresionada. Habiamos oido tantas historias terribles de la bebida que yo estaba esperando vomitar y odiar la bebida. Y pues es verdad, la bebida no es rica, al contrario, pero me alegra que estaba esperando que fuera mucho mucho peor. 

Antonella se porto muy bien en el vuelo. La espalda me estaba doliendo pero una vez llegamos a panama, en donde teniamos que pasar un par de horas antes de seguir para Bogota, me acoste en un par de sillas y eso ayudo. Panama es muy caliente, como pueden ver aca, y fui un poco dramatica, pero si no puedo ser dramatica empbarazada entonces cuando? Cierto?

La semana que viene volvemos a tener fotos normales, pero por esta semana semanas normales de ropa normal es lo que tenemos =).


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