Wednesday, July 18, 2012

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Week 36
Weight +27.5 Pounds 
Waist +13.5 Inches 
Cravings: Watermelon
Dislikes: Nothing really

This week Antonella discovered a way to make momma stop, she discovered she can kick my lungs and knock the wind out of me. She has been doing it on and off and it is usually in the afternoon or at night after a long day, she just starts kicking my lungs and playing with my ribs, it's kind of funny after the shock of not being able to breathe for a second.

She also has been getting the hiccups two to three times a day, and this past week Caleb and her had the hiccups at the same time a couple of times, it was kind of cute. I feel bad when she has the hiccups, I feel like her entire body is moving and it cannot be comfortable for her, but I do love feeling her.

We didn't go to the doctor this week, and nothing has changed really. She is still growing, and I am still growing ha. Her movements though have changed, she doesn't move as much, but still moves quite a bit. My midwife told me it would happen since she is running out of space.  

The heartburn has gotten much better, not sure why. I have not really had an appetite though, I have been eating because I have to but I don't feel hungry at all. I think she is so big there isn't much space for food in there. I also have been sleeping less and less, between back pain, soreness all over and the heat I am having a hard time sleeping for more than a couple hours, but again, I guess that's good training.

I haven't gotten any indicators that labor is remotely near, but for what I hear it can happen within hours. I am ok waiting though, whenever she's ready is just fine. 


Semana 36
Peso +27.5 libras
Cintura +13.5 pulgadas
Antojos: Patilla
No me gusta: Nada.
Esta semana Antonella descubrio una manera de hacer que su mama pare y se tome un minuto, empezo a sacarme el aire, se mueve de tal manera que empuja mis pulmones y no puedp respirar. Lo hace generalmente de noche o en la tarde despues de dias largos, y aveces juega con mis costillas, es chistoso despues del shock de no poder respirar.

Ha tenido hipo esta semana dos o tres veces al dia, esta semana que acaba de pasar ella y Caleb tuvieron hipo al mismo tiempo un par de veces, aww! Me siento mal cuando tiene hipo, me da pesar porque siento que todo su cuerpo se esta moviendo y no es comodo, pero me encanta sentirla.

Esta semana no fuimos al doctor, y la verdad no mucho ha cambiado. Ella sigue creciendo y yo sigo creciendo ja. Sus movimientos han cambiado un poco, no se mueve tanto como antes, pero de todas formas se mueve lo suficiente. My partera nos dijo que eso iba a pasar porque ya no tiene mucho espacio.

La acidez ha mejorado un poco, no se porque. No me da hambre, he estado comiendo porque me toca comer, pero la verdad no siento ganas de comer. Yo creo que esta tan grande mi bebe que no hay mucho espacio para comida en mi barriga. Tambien he estado durmiendo menos y menos, con los dolores de espalda, el dolor en general y el calor no he podido dormir mas de un par de horas a la vez. Mas entrenamiento me imagino!

No ha habido ningun indicador de que mi cuerpo esta medio listo para el trabajo de parto, pero por lo que nos han dicho puede pasar en cuestion de horas. Esta bien si esperamos un poquito mas, cuando ella este lista, ella llega.


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